Monday 2 February 2015

The Allotment Diaries - Day 3

Admittedly there isn't much to update you on with regards to allotment progress. The colder months have made it difficult to dig up the ground and every time we all get a free day together it seemed to be icy, but that's life I suppose! I have noticed a lot of the other plots remain dormant at this time of year and as we are new to all of this I think it is understandable.

We have managed to clear most of the ground now with regards to waste and half dead plants. I was given some feedback on my last post about learning to compost instead of taking the waste to the dump - so I took this comment on board and re-used a lot of the old soil/foliage that I was digging up to pack into a hole made for a fence. We used the other leftover plant material for composting at home as there's no space on the plot as yet for this.

We have sort of made a palette fence and there is also a piece of wood to make a small gate just to round off the edges of the allotment. As I said, I re-used some of the soil we dug up to fill this in. 

We have decided to leave the ground dividers in and use this as a guide to when we start planting our own crops.

I always think it doesn't seem like we've got anywhere but when you look back to Day 1, there is vast improvements! We have given ourselves the task of getting at least half of the plot sorted for the summer and I can't wait to start growing on my little designated patch. 

You may also want to check out day 1 and day 2 of The Allotment Diaries.


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