Tuesday, 20 February 2018

January Gambettes Box Review*

A few months ago I reviewed the new Gambettes Box and in January I was very kindly sent the second box. Since My Little Box has now gone, I needed something to fill that gap and the excitement of receiving a mystery box in the post each month. Whilst I am still on the hunt for another beauty box, the Gambettes Box has definitely satisfied the fashion side of things.

If you don’t know much about Gambettes Box then I will give you an overview. Designed in Paris, each month you will receive 2 pairs of tights which will both be different. So far all of the tights I have received have been fashionable and of really great quality. The designs are unique and not something you can pick up in any old high street store.

This months box contained a gorgeous grey pair of tights called 'Patins' with black polka dots. The tights are 50 denier so great for this time of year when you want a bit more coverage. The second pair were called 'Gadins' and were a pair of black bunting tights, 30 denier. I really like these and the pattern is unlike any other pair that I own.

You also get a couple of cards inside with ideas on how to style your new tights, which I really love. I love the excitement of not knowing what you are going to receive. Both boxes have provided me with stylish and high quality tights that I cannot complain about. I love the packaging and the inserts.

At only £13.90 a box, they make a great gift for a friend too, or a nice treat for yourself each month. Although this is a monthly subscription service you are free to cancel at any time.

Interested? Click here to order your first box. Let me know if you would like me to feature these tights in a fashion post or outfit of the day. What do you think of Gambettes Box?

*I received this item free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not influenced in any way.


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