Tuesday 28 October 2014

"Broken Glass" Cupcakes for Halloween

I wanted to make some cupcakes for Halloween so when I saw this in the most recent Tesco magazine I decided I wanted to try them out! 

Tesco Broken Glass Cupcakes

I used my standard cupcake recipe which never fails me! You can see this here.
I used a mixture of green yellow and red icing which made them sort of a coral colour. 

Halloween Cupcakes

Halloween Cupcakes

I then piped some green icing onto them using my Wilton 2D nozzle. You can find out more about how I ice my cupcakes here and a video tutorial here.

Wilton 2D nozzle

Rose Icing Halloween Cupcakes
To make the ‘broken glass’ I melted some clear mints on a low heat in a saucepan for about 5 minutes. Once they had melted, I poured them onto some foil to set. They cooled off really quickly and when it was completely cool I broke it into ‘shards’ ready to stab into my cakes.

Melting glacier mints

Broken Glass cupcakes

For the ‘blood’ icing, I simply mixed red food colouring, icing sugar and water and drizzled it on top of the cakes.

Broken Glass cupcakes

I think these are a great addition to any Halloween party, oh and they tasted amazing!



  1. such a beautiful recreation very creative :)

    Jennos Health.

  2. I love the broken glass idea! great for parties!


  3. Brilliant idea to use clear candies!! I've only seen recipes that has you make the candies from scratch. I will have to try this!! :)



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